Going Lighter Safely

Going Lighter Safely

After months of indoors and summer now fully thriving, the desire for change is at its peak! From haircuts to color transformations, we know our beloved hair professional community has their work cut out for them! Many clients are considering the change of going lighter for the warm months ahead, and we want to ensure they're doing so in the safest manner possible. This OLAPLEX step by step guide will delineate the lightening process prior, during, and after your service for the healthiest, strongest sparkle.

First things first, the prep. Whether your hair is color-treated, or compromised experiencing breakage, starting OLAPLEX No.3 treatments before your color appointment is imperative. No.3 Hair Perfector rebuilds the broken bonds in the hair, by relinking broken disulfide bonds back together. This treatment can benefit all ends of the hair integrity spectrum from virgin to highly compromised.

Color and photo by Britney Ostash @hair.by.britt

Some may think, "I have virgin hair, I don't need OLAPLEX because it's already healthy." The jump from virgin hair to color-treated hair is exciting! Using OLAPLEX means the integrity of the hair is front and center, rather than weakening and breaking with each color service. We want to ensure your hair stays in the best shape possible before the appointment to give your colorist the ultimate canvas to create confidently.

When it comes to processed or highly compromised hair, using OLAPLEX is imperative. By preparing the hair with OLAPLEX, you're walking into your chemical service, knowing you've gotten your hair in the best shape it can be before a change. With highly compromised hair, especially, going lighter safely means you'll be doing more than one treatment before the salon visit.

The amount of treatments for compromised hair is unique to each user. The plus side is OLAPLEX cannot be overused, meaning you're welcome to treat the hair as much as needed. When hair is in dire need of repair, i.e., extreme breakage, we recommend three treatments a week, with zero thermal styling until the hair feels and looks stronger. Treatment duration could mean a couple of weeks to a month or more depending on how compromised the hair is. Patience means your colorist has room to get you closer to your lighter hair goals, from blonde highlights to icy platinum!

Prepping the hair doesn't stop at treatments! There are small and mighty at-home mini treatments you can do with OLAPLEX to get some bond rebuilding in. OLAPLEX No.4 and No.5 shampoo and conditioner are a fantastic way to rebuild the hair doing something you usually do, plus they both hydrate the hair, which aids in eliminating dryness. No.6 Bond Smoother and No.7 Bonding Oil are also fabulous ways to make the hair healthier and moisturized with each use. The No.6 is a leave-in that rebuilds bonds while eliminating frizz for 72 hours in addition to deeply moisturizing. No.7 Bonding Oil is so easy to use, you can pop it in your bag or even your pocket to replenish and treat the hair on the go! 

During the service, using OLAPLEX is not an option, as many hairdressers say! Using OLAPLEX while going lighter means, as the chemicals break bonds in the hair to create the desires change, OLAPLEX comes in and relinks as many of those broken bonds back together. This means your hair is not only lightening; OLAPLEX is working to make the outcome stronger and healthier, of course, alongside your colorists' best judgment. Afterward, sit with OLAPLEX No.2 in your hair as long as possible. Think of OLAPLEX No.1 fighting against chemicals to rebuild your hair, and think of No.2 rebuilding your hair without the chemicals fighting against it. This means No.2 is finding any bonds missed during the lightening process and relinking them!

A post salon visit is all about maintenance, but lucky for you, you're already familiar. The prep you did to get your hair ready for lightening with OLAPLEX, is just what you'll do to maintain it in between salon visits! A minimum of once a week No.3 treatments with a healthy mix of No.4, No.5, No.6, and No.7 means your amount of good hair days is getting higher and higher. Make sure you use #OlaplexJourney to show us your healthy hair on Instagram!