First Experiences with Olaplex

With all the information on Olaplex on the internet, you may be thinking where to even start. Luckily, the answer is simple! Our favorite way for users to familiarize themselves with the product is to try it themselves! There’s no greater testimony than your own true “a-ha” moment after experiencing the hair repairing benefits of Olaplex. Once you go through the steps and feel the drastic before and after of your own hair with Olaplex, you will not only have the facts to read up on, but a personal experience to support them when selling it to a client or recommending it to a friend.

What Olaplex does is rebuild your hair internally by relinking the broken disulfide bonds, creating a permanent fix (until the bonds are broken again). It works on every hair type, from virgin to highly processed, and can be used weekly to strengthen and repair hair. 

If you’re a hairdresser, give yourself a Stand Alone Treatment with Olaplex No.1 and No.2. Start by applying No.1 to clean damp hair for 5 minutes, then without rinsing, apply the No.2 through the hair for an additional 10 minutes (minimum). Shampoo and condition with Olaplex No.4 and No.5 for optimum results, then style as normal. You should instantly be able to feel a difference in the integrity of your hair!

For at-home consumers, use Olaplex No.3 to treat your clean damp hair. Apply a generous amount of the product throughout the hair and leave on for a minimum of 10 minutes. Rinse, shampoo, and condition with Olaplex No.4 and No.5 to further rebuild and moisturize the hair. You can also opt to start with a Stand Alone treatment by visiting your local professional salon! 

If ever you have any questions, there are several avenues we provide for almost immediate answers. For professionals, join the Olaplex Users group on Facebook. Consumers can join the Hair Stories by Olaplex group on Facebook to share their results and ask questions as well (professionals welcome!). also offers live chat support with real Olaplex Educators if you prefer one-on-one communication.

We cannot wait for you to fall in love with Olaplex and your healthy hair!

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